
Monday, August 14, 2006

Don't squeeze the zits!

One of the first, last, and most important rules with acne is to resist squeezing the crap out of that stupid little bugger that's ruining my face dammit Paris Hilton doesn't have to deal with this why do I could kill the little ....

Ok, well you get the idea. It's difficult to resist squeezing zits. Apply pressure and you can just pop away your problem, right?

Wrong! Ever see people with pockmarked faces? You haven't? How about this example?

They got those crater faces because they squeezed their zits too much. Too often or too much pressure? Probably both.

Isn't acne bad enough without coming out of it with a crater face? Aren't the acne names bad enough without coming out with the name crater face your whole life, even after you've whipped acne's activity?

So do yourself a favor and don't squeeze the zits. Yes, the white heads are embarrassing, but your face is actually healthier healing on its own rather than having open sores ripped open all across it.

Pimples, zits, whiteheads, blackheads, puss, red spots, pockmarks. Aren't they fun?

No, they're not. They hurt more than physically. They hurt the self-esteem of millions of teenagers worldwide, especially in vain America.

This blog is dedicated to providing real solutions to treat, reduce, and prevent acne.

I guarantee within two months of following this advice you will have a noticeable reduction in acne, and this information is provided for free. I only ask that you spread the word by emailing your friends and posting links to this information.